Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
So started snowing Friday afternoon and didn't stop until sometime last night. Needless to say, I wasn't very motivated to leave the house this entire weekend. So my weekend was filled with knitting, movies, and cookie baking.
I stayed in and finished Krissy's Convertible Mitts. I'm not crazy about them but I'm not really feeling it to re-do them at this point. I think that they just needs some buttons to hold the tops open and/or closed to zest them up a bit.
Then I decided to put my newly received Malabrigo to the test. Will it be soft and cozy or make me breakout in hives!? I hoped for the former. I cast on and finished Crofter's Cowl with my own modification. I decided not to do the mirrored top and bottom and grafting that this project's instruction called for. Instead I just make 7 repeats of the first chart. It turned out rather nice. Still needs a blocking but it was so cold today that I couldn't resist wearing it out.

So now that I know that I can wear this yarn close to my skin and stay comfortable, I think that I'll make more of these. I already was planning on making my bestfriend one for Christmas since she lives in Chicago and could always use more warm clothing. I'm thinking about designing my own pattern for hers though. We'll see.
I have tomorrow off so I'm going to run over to Windsor Button in the moring and pick up a few skeins of Malabrigo Yarn Worsted Merino to knit up into more cowls! I think that these could be a perfect project for my bus trip to and from NY.
Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!

edit: I added rhinestone buttons to the mitts!
Friday, December 19, 2008
This "Merry Christmas" to me kick I've been on this week needs to end. I've been done with my shopping for a bit so I've been self-indulging all week. First I purchased Malabrigo Worsted Merino from a Raveler last week. It's gorgeous! My plan is to knit myself a cowl out of it since I haven't knit a damn thing for myself since October. It's so soft-- I hope that I can wear it without a hive fest!

Then, my most frivolous purchase, is a new bag from Scout's Swag. This item won't be in until mid-January so I don't feel as bad as I could.

It's a gorgeous limited edition Eggplant color. Perfect for a combo knitting and day bag. Love it!
Like I said, Merry Christmas to me!
Oh yeah, wanna see some knitting? I'm almost done with these:
Monday, December 15, 2008
I finished, with crochet edging and braids, my brother's ear-flap hat. It was so easy and quick that I made another one for a coworker who I promised a hat to ages ago. Best part-- I knit them both from stash yarns!

Then I cast on last night during the Giant's game and finished today my second Thorpe for my coworker Melissa. I promised her a hat awhile back so I figured that I'd be true to my word. I used some Brown Sheep's Lamb's Pride Bulky in Lotus Pink, left over from legwarmers that I made years ago. I decided to forgo the crochet edging and braids and keep it simple.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Seeing all these amazing crafts was totally inspiring and made me want to quit my job and join the craft fair circuit. I cast on for a hat when I got home and pretty much finished it last night! Oooo...I can sell hats! I dunno.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So I'm over it and now I can talk about it. Two weeks ago I made an appointment with my regular stylist for a cut. My hair was super long and I wanted to cut it short and donate the hair to Lock of Love.
I sat down in her chair, as usual, and we discussed the cut and what I was looking for. She seemed to not really want to cut my hair short. She was not encouraging at all which was a little disappointing. But I stuck to my guns and said that I wanted to get rid of the length-- it was to the middle of my back and too much to handle at that point.
I described the desired effect: long, shaggy bob with lots of chunky layers, short in the back, long in the front and choppy bangs. I got a One-length bob with thin uniform bangs. I have a lot of very thick hair-- it wasn't blended at all. Tons of weight at the bottom. I had a triangle on top of my head. This really wasn't apparent to me until I left and walked past my reflection in a shop window. I nearly cried right then and there. I figured that it was the way she styled it and that I could do better once I got home. Not so much.It was awful even after I washed it and restyled it the next morning. Doesn't look as horrendous as it was just by this picture. So, against my gut, I called and asked her if she could fix it because I wasn't happy with the cut. She was really sweet about it but AGAIN did not listen to my requests. I walked out with a shorter, more horrible, uneven version of the first cut. This time I did cry. I will never go back to her at this point.
I lived with the results for a few days and just hated it. It wasn't only a bad cut but it was very soccer mom. Totally not my style. So Saturday morning I called my old salon in the Southend, Liquid Hair Studios. My stylist is no longer there but I chose another stylist based on some reviews that I read on Yelp! and also by how cute her hair was in her picture on the salon's website.
I saw Francesca. She was totally in tune with what I wanted and agreed that the cut was NOT for me and done really poorly. She cut in some layers, dried it, and then razors some of the weight out. It turned out a millions time better than before. A little shorter than I originally envisioned but that was because of the 1st (and 2nd) botched cut done by EX-stylist. New cut pics to come.
I'm going to go back to her sometime in the near future for some color. I want foils that are some outrageous color. Maybe for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I also gifted the Fleegle socks to my mom who LOVED them. She went on and on about how much she loved then, how soft they were to wear and how she would like more in different colors. Of course, I created a monster!
No more WIPs...now what!? I want to knit for me but my sister and brother both requested knitted items and I'd like to make my dad a hat to match the mittens that I knit him last winter. My sister wants a pair of Convertible Mittens in black (she wants to blind me apparently). My brother wants a hat with ear flaps, though I couldn't tell if he was just kidding about the ear flaps. Maybe this one? I dunno. I still haven't picked out a pattern for my dad's hat but that should be easy-- something simple to show off the beautiful hand-painted variegation of the yarn. Maybe this one? It's simple enough, right!?
We'll see. I didn't plan on all this holiday knitting. And I'm sure that the fam has no idea how long it will take me to knit them all goodies. What a PIA. What can you do, ya know. If they're all done by the time Christmas rolls around, great. If not, they'll get them when they get them. I'm not going to worry about it. They would be extras at this point since I bought them all gifts already!